If you use open-source software, you might wonder, why all those changes and why you should migrate up to the next major versions. Some don’t even (properly) migrate the minor version of the framework dependency to the latest available release…
Tag: Composer
CakePHP Tips Summer 2019
This year I want to quickly put a few useful things out there again for you in terms of CakePHP development and ecosystem. CakePHP 4 preview Check out CakePHP 4 while it is still not RC (release candidate) and therefore…
Test composer dependencies with prefer-lowest
This 4 year old post already blogged about it. Surprisingly many libraries still don’t use it in their CI system yet. The –prefer-lowest option has been added around that time. Composer documentation says: "Useful for testing minimal versions of requirements"….
Developing CakePHP 3+ Plugins, it’s fun!
It is fun – and it should be! The days of CakePHP 2 plugins and how difficult it was to actually develop plugins are over. Back in the days (OK, I still have to do it once in a while),…
CakePHP 3.0 Migration Notes
Trying to migrate my CakeFest app for this year’s event, I made some notes regarding the upgrade process from 2.x to 3.x. I completed them during the upgrade of my Sandbox app to 3.0. And adjusted them after RC2 and…
CakePHP 3.0 coming up
CakePHP version 3.0 is coming closer and closer to a stable release. The leap from PHP5.2 to PHP5.4 was more than necessary. Personally, I think, this will bring CakePHP back on the same level as "Laravel" or "Symfony2". Those, using…
All new CakePHP Tips Summer 2014
For CakePHP2.x Awesome CakePHP Check out this all new awesome CakePHP list: awesome-cakephp Star it, fork it, enhance it 🙂 Note the cake3 branch that will proabably soon be filled rapidly with all new shiny CakePHP3 resources and plugins. There…
Migrating SVN apps to Git and Composer
Just recently I had to move a few remaining legacy CakePHP2.x apps from SVN to Git+Composer. This serves as a short how-to. You can also use this post if you are migrating a git app to a composer based git…
Using Composer
There are quite a few good articles on this topic, already. Especially on how to leverage it for CakePHP projects. See using-composer-with-cakephp-2-dot-x or maybe installing-cakephp-with-composer So I won’t go into detail too much. It is worth noting that composer really…