Actually, its not that different in Cake1.3. But as I just played around with it in 2.0, I will stick to that version for examples. How to start Skip this, if you want to cut to the chase. In your…
Tag: CakePHP
Freshly baked Cake2.0 tips
With 2.0 there are many new features available. Some of them I want to introduce here. Using the console for 2.0 I once wrote about how to use the Cake1.3 console. The 2.0 shell is not so much different. The…
More great news: CakePHP 2.0 stable is out!
After 1.5 years of development, Cake catches up with other frameworks. It is now as modern as most of the others while remaining the most powerful of all. Almost none if its automatic got lost during the process of rewriting….
Working with passwords in CakePHP
The basics Usually, this is already well known. But.. there are still developers who actually store the password unhashed. You always have to store user passwords hashed. You can either use the still very common sha1 method (which is the…