CakePHP flash messages 2.0


This is a topic often discussed. What is the best approach? While I might not have the best, I sure have a fully working one since 2008 and CakePHP1.3. I still use it in all 2.x apps. It is easy…

Generating PDFs with CakePHP


The recommended approach is to use the CakePHP plugin CakePdf for this. With that plugin it is "a piece of cake" to output HTML views as PDF or render them to files for download/emailing etc. You can obviously just use…

AJAX and CakePHP


I don’t know why I didn’t post about AJAX earlier. It is probably one of the topics that most don’t really know how to approach. The docs don’t say much about it, and so many try to rely on (outdated)…

ResetBehavior and HazardableBehavior


ResetBehavior Reset is a new behavior I recently had to write to update some geocoded entries as well as records with processed titles/slugs – via beforeSave() – that had to be re-saved with a corrected processing method. Basically, it is…