Update your Server to PHP5.4+


With many new features and more speed it makes sense to upgrade to PHP5.4. It is also a requirement when you start using CakePHP3.0 (the dev releases) or code that contains short array syntax. So the sooner you upgrade the…

Generating PDFs with CakePHP


The recommended approach is to use the CakePHP plugin CakePdf for this. With that plugin it is "a piece of cake" to output HTML views as PDF or render them to files for download/emailing etc. You can obviously just use…

Using Composer


There are quite a few good articles on this topic, already. Especially on how to leverage it for CakePHP projects. See using-composer-with-cakephp-2-dot-x or maybe installing-cakephp-with-composer So I won’t go into detail too much. It is worth noting that composer really…

Continuous Integration with Jenkins


CI with Jenkins and GitHub is especially interesting for private repositories, as CI with Travis is mainly for free GitHub repos (unless you have Travis Pro, of course). But since Jenkins is OpenSource and free, it might make sense to…

AJAX and CakePHP


I don’t know why I didn’t post about AJAX earlier. It is probably one of the topics that most don’t really know how to approach. The docs don’t say much about it, and so many try to rely on (outdated)…

ResetBehavior and HazardableBehavior


ResetBehavior Reset is a new behavior I recently had to write to update some geocoded entries as well as records with processed titles/slugs – via beforeSave() – that had to be re-saved with a corrected processing method. Basically, it is…

RSS feeds in CakePHP


Recently I noticed that Thunderbird doesn’t import and update RSS feeds anymore that are (partially) invalid. Well, mine always were I guess. Back in the days (4 years ago) I wasn’t aware that the author tag was only for email…

Moving a CakePHP app


This weekend I had to move some small to medium sized CakePHPs from one server to another. Basically, I had to switch hosting for them (web space and database). I haven’t had the time to write a lot lately. But…