All new CakePHP Tips and Tricks


This is supposed to be a list of useful tricks gathered over many months. First Templates, then Bake, then Adjustments The usual workflow for a new project should be Create your custom templates Bake your crud actions using this very…

Working with models


Since there is so much to talk about it here, I will cut right to the chase. We all know about "Fat Models, Slim Controllers". So basically, as much as possible of the code should be in the model. For…

Web Development Snippets


A couple of useful snippets for web developing. The list will grow over the years. Jumping to anchors with JS If we want to jump to an anchor dynamically (using javascript): /* dont use this!!! */ //location.href = location.href +…


Useful PHP coding tips


I hope the following tips help some of the newer php coders and prevent errors I either had to face or did myself. Don’t use private attributes/methods without a good reason There are some libs or classes that use private…


Coding Standards in PHP


I feel about this very strongly. At least about some particular topics. It is very important for every group project (even for a one man project – you never know when sobody might join you) to have some common guidelines…