Quite some time ago I wrote about Unit testing. But that was still in 1.3 and with SimpleTest. A lot has changed since then. Execution Order The documentation wasn’t all that clear about it. So I tried it with the…
Serving views as files in Cake2
Actually, its not that different in Cake1.3. But as I just played around with it in 2.0, I will stick to that version for examples. How to start Skip this, if you want to cut to the chase. In your…
Freshly baked Cake2.0 tips
With 2.0 there are many new features available. Some of them I want to introduce here. Using the console for 2.0 I once wrote about how to use the Cake1.3 console. The 2.0 shell is not so much different. The…
More great news: CakePHP 2.0 stable is out!
After 1.5 years of development, Cake catches up with other frameworks. It is now as modern as most of the others while remaining the most powerful of all. Almost none if its automatic got lost during the process of rewriting….
Finally – SVN becomes more GITish
The change we all had waited for soo long. SVN becomes more GITish With the release of all new 1.7 the thousands of .svn folders are finally history! Only a single .svn file in the root folder remains. Yes, most…
Working with virtual fields in Cake1.3
In earlier versions of CakePHP we had to use Behaviors like "MultipleDisplayFields" or whatever. With $Model->virtualFields it is now possible to natively use find() methods combined with virtual fields. The nice thing about it is, that the pagination can work…
Maximum power for your validation rules
I already postet an article about custom validation rules some time ago here. In this post I introduce some of my custom rules which come in handy quite often. For being able to use it in different projects I do…
Common CakePHP problems and solutions
Some questions are asked more often than others. The following I have read a thousand times. Maybe it’s time for some of those to be answered in detail. Editing own account/profile If you want users to allow editing their own…
Working with passwords in CakePHP
The basics Usually, this is already well known. But.. there are still developers who actually store the password unhashed. You always have to store user passwords hashed. You can either use the still very common sha1 method (which is the…
Gravatar CakePHP Helper
An independent Avatar-Generator 90% of all blogs out there use gravatar. Therefore you can easily use it with most of your users’ email addresses. But even if you don’t want your users to use their gravatar image you can still…