CakePHP and static analyzers


In this post, I discuss the usefulness of clean coding and static analyzers used to introspect it. I will also outline a few neat tools and tricks to get there faster. Static Analyzers Statically analyzing your code can be super…

Continuous Integration with Jenkins


CI with Jenkins and GitHub is especially interesting for private repositories, as CI with Travis is mainly for free GitHub repos (unless you have Travis Pro, of course). But since Jenkins is OpenSource and free, it might make sense to…

CakePHP Tips – Summer 2013


While CakePHP 2.4 is now just around the corner (already beta), a few tips gathered the last few days. Don’t mix controller and component pagination Currently, if you mix controller pagination setup and call the Pagination component then, it can…

Unit-Testing in CakePHP


Warning: Some information my be deprecated! This is still from 1.3 and SimpleTest. CakePHP now uses PHPUnit in 2.x – please see the updated article here. Some tips you might not have read about yet Since the cookbook is quite…