Using Composer


There are quite a few good articles on this topic, already. Especially on how to leverage it for CakePHP projects. See using-composer-with-cakephp-2-dot-x or maybe installing-cakephp-with-composer So I won’t go into detail too much. It is worth noting that composer really…


Finally – SVN becomes more GITish


The change we all had waited for soo long. SVN becomes more GITish With the release of all new 1.7 the thousands of .svn folders are finally history! Only a single .svn file in the root folder remains. Yes, most…

Subversion and Git


They usually don’t play nice with each other. But what if we need a plugin/repository available for git AND for svn? The "new" way It used to work – but since a few weeks it doesn’t anymore. It WAS possible…

CakePHP and Subversion


A Quick How-To about properly setting up a svn for your cake app. First of all, we need to drop a "trunk" folder into our svn: /trunk inside this trunk, we now add /app (actual app) /vendors (global vendors) /cake…