CakePHP 3.0 coming up


CakePHP version 3.0 is coming closer and closer to a stable release. The leap from PHP5.2 to PHP5.4 was more than necessary. Personally, I think, this will bring CakePHP back on the same level as "Laravel" or "Symfony2". Those, using…

All new CakePHP Tips Summer 2014


For CakePHP2.x Awesome CakePHP Check out this all new awesome CakePHP list: awesome-cakephp Star it, fork it, enhance it 🙂 Note the cake3 branch that will proabably soon be filled rapidly with all new shiny CakePHP3 resources and plugins. There…

HTML, Markdown or BBCode?


Or something different? Or just plain text maybe? "User input is hard" There are pretty prejudiced blog posts in favor or against the usage of BBCode for blog posts, comments etc. Here for instance – continuing on this second post….

CakePHP flash messages 2.0


This is a topic often discussed. What is the best approach? While I might not have the best, I sure have a fully working one since 2008 and CakePHP1.3. I still use it in all 2.x apps. It is easy…