CakePHP Static Analyzer updates


You might remember my blog post from beginning of this year. In this article I want to give a quick feedback on what happened so far. CakeDC PHPStan extension The authors of CakeDC/cakephp-phpstan did a great job over the last…

CakePHP and static analyzers


In this post, I discuss the usefulness of clean coding and static analyzers used to introspect it. I will also outline a few neat tools and tricks to get there faster. Static Analyzers Statically analyzing your code can be super…

CakePHP background processing


The easy way 🙂 Some might also already be in the #CakePHP coding world for some time. They might remember an article from like 11 years ago: queue-deferred-execution-in-cakephp. If not, maybe catch up on that one first, as that is…