Behaviors I just recently found out that the attach() and detach() methods I have always been using seem to be deprecated (or at least only available for BC) – and that one should probably use load() and unload() from now…
Year: 2012
Schema reference for table less models
If you ever need a table less model with only some manual schema information (mainly for validation and form helper to work), you might find the documentation a little bit incomplete. There are more than just those types available. Here…
Cake Bake: Custom Templates “Deluxe”
You might have read my almost two year old article about custom bake templates. Much changed since then. In Cake as well in my user-land code. Note: The "setup" bake theme is written for 2.x but can easily be backported…
More interesting links
This week I have only a few links to offer 🙂 PHP5.5? What-PHP-5-5-might-look-like.html Periodic Table A pretty geeky site shows the number of elements used on a website as a periodic table: periodic-table. Move over the elements with your mouse…
CakePHP now fully MVC
Yeah 🙂 I was waiting for this day for quite a long time. And pretty happy that my proposal from last year is finally in the live code. Cake2.1 is now fully, really and completely MVC – and officially 200%…
Auth – inline authorization the easy way
I wrote a wrapper class to make inline authorization easier. Often times you want to check on certain roles inside an action or view and depending on the result display specific content or execute specific code. As an example we…
Helper? Component? Lib? CakePHP2
Note: For 1.3 see the old article on this subject. I want to outline some ideas on how to chose the appropriate class type if you want to add some additional feature to your cake app. For a beginner it…
Introducing the EmailLib
This is a good example of how useful it can be to even extend some basic core classes to enhance them and fit them to your needs. In this case we extend the CakeEmail Utility Lib class and add some…
E_STRICT compliance in Cake
In PHP5.4 E_STRICT will be automatically be part of E_ALL. So it might be a good idea to get your code E_STRICT ready. I have to say: I never bothered myself. Always used E_ALL & ~E_STRICT (the second part will…
PHP5.4 is out
In case you haven’t heard yet (pretty much impossible, isn’t it): PHP5.4 has been released. In a previous post I already pointed out the possibilities for traits – although I am not quite sure yet how it could benefit current…