I started off with frequent CakePHP problems last month. This month I add some common PHP problems.
Strip additional white spaces
With UTF8 the "normal" preg_replace doesn’t really work anymore. For some cases we could use the following trick:
$str = utf8_decode($str);
$str = preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $str);
$str = utf8_encode($str);
A better solution, though, is:
$str = preg_replace('/\s\s+/u', ' ', $str);
With the param "u" it’s compatible with Unicode.
Sort arrays in natural order
$array = array('1.txt', '20.txt', '2.txt', '21.txt');
natsort($array); # sorts by reference (returns boolean $success)
Condition + assignment
If you want to save the extra line for $pos = $this->calcPos())
you need to be aware that extra brackets might be needed.
Wrong (if $pos is supposed to hold the position and not the result of the comparison):
if ($pos = $this->calcPos() > 0 && ...) {...}
if (($pos = $this->calcPos()) > 0 && $pos < 100) {
# doSomething
# doSomethingElseWithPos
Note the extra brackets around $pos. They are necessary – otherwise it will assign the result of the operation $this->calcPos()) > 0
(which is a boolean).
Comparison (default and strict)
Since PHP isn’t type safe you should use strict comparison (===) wherever possible.
"+010" == "10.0"
is TRUE (!)
only with "+010" === "10.0"
you will get FALSE.
This might be expected in this case – usually it’s not, though.
So it is not if (strpos($str, 'hello') == 0) {}
but if (strpos($str, 'hello') === 0) {}
, for example! What happens in the == case?
It will return true in 2 cases: If "hello" is not in the string at all or if it is at the very beginning. But we would only want the second case (and therefore need ===).
A complete comparison table for PHP can be found here.
For the additional spaces you can use
if you have mbstring support.
well, that would solve this issue 🙂 thanks!
Today I found out THAT even with php5.3.3 mb_ereg_replace() is quite buggy!
So we should use
preg_replace with parameter "u":
This way we don’t need to decode/encode.
helped thanks
plz any one can solve my problem???
problem is when ever i click on link on my website’s nav link…the links does not work properly….
and page goes again on login page….
any one have solution???